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10:47:30 - 06/12/2024

Off Road
Dodge Dakota


Subject: "Whoops"
IP: Logged

OK, just wondering what the most embarrasing time you got stuck was? I'lll go first of course:

2000# of sand
2000 miles on the odometer
Bottomless pit of mud in my garden


Stuck so deep the diff, axle tubes, frame, tranny crossmember were all making an indent in the mud.

Wife was VERY mad, Mother - in - law was over for dinner. at least once it was out even my wife laughed....


Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

Went wheelin in a field, which turned in to a church grave yard. Stuck, Priest called police, 50 Hours of community service, had to fill in my rutts that were over graves, $250.00 fine for tresspassing, 5 hail marys.

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

Ok, i have a good one. Me and my buddy with a chevy went wheeling one day while it was still in the middle of a storm...we were confident at the time... anyways i followed him out to "his new spot" and from up on the hill where we were it looked like the perfect place to wheel. well we went down into the huge mud pit and started mashing and then i started having a lil trouble in the deeper part and then got stuck just a lil bit. so i called him on the radio and was waiting for him to get me out and then he went the wrong way and got stuck even worse than i was! so anyways to make a very long story short...after calling a few people and getting the three biggest and baddest trucks in the city to try and get us out we were officially STUCK!! meanwhile the mud pit turned into a pond and we were forced to leave our rigs behind for two days until my friends Ford pulled us out with his winch. oh yea and we were lucky that we didnt get arrested for trespassing on Teichert property!
i am made fun of to this very day by both getting stuck and getting pulled out by a Ford and i now have a pissing on Ford sticker in my rear window.

thats my story.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Whoops
IP: Logged

in March, me and a buddy were driving around the parking lot of my high school during 7th period goofing around When... We spotted a gap between the woods and the baseball field. It was a drainage ditch and we decided it was worth investigating. Needless to say it was so nasty, mud that was knee deep and the consistancy of Tappioca pudding. Got my 96 CC stuck up to the frame rails in that sh!t. Was stuck overnight and was pulled out the next day via another friends jeep w/ a winch. School made me fix the ruts before I could buy prom tickets. Was funny at the time-

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

i was driving around with a blazer one summer night and there was a small gravel road that went into the woods. so we decided to throw on the kc's and try it out. well about a mile further, the road started to slope downhill and then... SPLASH! i went into a creek and i thought that this was the end of it. my BFG's were spinning in the sandy bank when i started to get traction. i went deeper in the water (about to my chassis)and made it across but couldnt make it up the bank. i didnt want to throw it in reverse because i figured that water in the tailpipe would be bad so i had the blazer put it in four and push me out. once we were out of the water, we had to turn around and go back through it. had no problem the second time. by the way, we missed the sign that said "CREEK CROSSING AT OWN RISK"

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

I almost got stuck a couple days ago... I went to go help someone pull their truck near the railroad tracks. As I pull down the path is so narrow I have to put the drivers side up on the tracks and hang out the window while I'm driving. I get down to his truck and see that he is stuck really good. His back end slid down a hill of large rocks and soft sand. It's about a 60 degree incline with a creek at the bottom and trees about 10 ft from each side of the truck. I hooked to the front to pull him and it just drug him across the hill at an angle. After I pulled him about 4-5ft I told him it wasn't coming out and proceeded to leave. Well as I did my truck started sliding down the hill. Whether I went forward or back even an inch it would try and slide down the hill farther. Keep in mind my truck as a 3" body and 2" suspension lift so it's a little top heavy. I got a come-along (as I call it) and hooked to frame rail and the railroad track and took the slack out. Then I cut the wheels and inched up as my friend tightened up the come-along. Every time I took the come-along loose I had to have people sit on the tailgate cause the back tire would come off the ground like it was gonna roll down the hill. After about 30 minutes and 20ft later I was free and drove back home. That was scary to see my baby that I've invested so much time and money in almost roll down into a creek. I think i would have cried. Thats about the 3rd real close call that the old dakota has come out of. This being said i'm getting a rams head tattoo'd on my chest :-)

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

OK, mines a little more stupidity then anything. I had just bought my 93 Jeep Grande Cherokee fully loaded. Some buddies and i had gone down this trail in Pozo California by my house a week earlier, so i felt confident going out by myself with only my new girlfriend with me. The trail is mostly a lot of creek crossings before the fun mud begins. Well it rained all day the day before but i didn't take that into consideration, i thought me and my gf could make it fine in my Jeep. So we get to the 3rd creek crossing and my Jeep sunk in DEEP. All a sudden the engine quit and wouldn't even turn over. So i jump out of my Jeep into waist high water that was below my knees the week earlier. So i let my gf jump on my back and i crossed the 3 creeks to get to a house and call for someone to get my Jeep. So after 2 hours to get out, a $400 towing bill, and $13,000 totalled Jeep, me and my gf had a great story to laugh at me about. When i bought my Dakota, i made sure the tail pipe and computer were high enough to go through deep water without dieing on me.

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

I've gone through water up over the hood twice before and never a bit of trouble. Good ol' dodge dakota baby.

Dodge Dakota


IP: Logged

Was out in my Dak one day in the middle of winter with
a friend of mine and his 2 kids, we were coming back
from a ski trip, when we decided to take a detour to
check out a camping spot for the following summer.
while crossing this small opening in the bush, my truck
got high centered on a small rut while in DEEP snow.
we didn't have a shovel ,tow rope, boots, jack, and the
cell phone was out of service. we were at least 15 miles
from anywhere, and it was late afternoon. after a half
hour or so of digging, moving snow with skies, poles,
and gloves, we were finally able to get it to rock back
and forth, and crawl over the rut. it was right after i got
my new mudders, and i got a little too cocky. certainly
learned a lesson.

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